A farmer who won the Lotto was asked what he was going to do with all the money. “Ah shur, I’ll just keep on farming til all the money is gone” was his reply. This is not the best way to run your business, but a lot of people concentrate on getting jobs done but not on their overall financial security. An evaluation of current income and outgoings is a minimum requirement but it is also very important to look further down the road to see what may be coming up in the future. The car/tractor won’t last for ever, the kids will need to go to college, you’re not getting any younger yourself, are all major financial crossroads on your way through life.
All businesses require money to buy raw materials, purchase machinery, source premises etc. and rural businesses and farms are no exception. Unless you are a multi millionaire, Financial intuitions, contrary to popular belief, have never given money out for nothing. They will insist on a financial business plan to show how the money that the give to you will be used and more importantly, how the money will be repaid.
Carton Rural Consultants provide financial services to clients in terns of financial accounts, business plans, feasibility studies, etc. which can be used to secure additional funding and provide some comfort to you and your family that there is a bigger plan and it will all work out in the end.