The Knowledge Transfer Programme (KT) is a three year scheme worth €750 per year to each farmer. The scheme is designed in such a way as to ensure the farmer and advisor engage in one to one discussion on key aspects of a farmers’ business such as profitability, environmental sustainability, breeding and herd health. As experiences to date have shown that there are significant benefits to group meetings each participant will be required to attend a minimum of 5 knowledge exchange meetings/4 meetings and one national event, facilitated by a DAFM approved advisor.

The objectives of the Programme are:

The Participant must work with their KT Facilitator at their one-to-one meetings to set out their goals for the Programme and report on progress in relation to same. This will also incorporate an element of evaluation of the Programme. It will be by way of completion of an online form during each of the one-to-one meetings, which should be completed by the KT Facilitator in conjunction with the Participant. This will ensure that each farmer’s progress is reviewed as the intervention proceeds.

Note the Knowledge Transfer Scheme is currently closed for applications.

For further details of the KT Scheme, email

KT Terms & Conditions

ICBF BeefherdPlus Farmer Ap